Research Opportunities


In keeping with the Tantur Institute’s founding vision as a place for scholars to live in residence and pursue their research in a community setting, we welcome junior and senior scholars in theology, biblical studies, church history and other disciplines, especially in ecumenical or interreligious fields. 
Where it may support your work, you are also welcome to participate in our community activities and, when possible, meet with other scholars in colloquia to discuss each other’s work. In these ways, each scholar can tailor the program to their own needs, including length of stay.


You may find more information on our accommodations and facilities by visiting our About section. Please also note that our furnished apartments also make it possible for scholars to bring their families with them to Tantur, whether for short or long-term stays. 
Please inquire with us at for more detailed information about costs and booking.


Scholars are accepted through a vetting process conducted directly by Tantur Rector, Fr. John M. Paul. For more information, please contact