Religious Community involved in Ecumenism

Taizé Prayer

The Taizé Community is an ecumenical monastic fraternity in Taizé, France. It is composed of some 100 brothers, from Catholic and Protestant traditionss. It was founded in 1940 by Brother Roger Schütz, a Reformed Protestant. A brother of Taizé comes twice a year at Tantur, especially to help us in the Spiritual Life at Tantur.



CNC Community

The Chemin Neuf Community is a Catholic Community with an Ecumenical Vocation, founded in France in 1973. It is composed of some 2200 members of different Christian denominations in 30 countries in the World. Among them couples, consecrated celibates men and women and priests. 




The community of Grandchamp is a monastic community and brings together sisters from different churches and various countries. Our ecumenical vocation commits us on the path of reconciliation among Christians and within the human family, and to respect the whole of creation.




The Community of Bose is a community of monks and nuns who belong to various Christian Churches, who seek God in obedience to the Gospel, in fraternal communion, in celibacy in solidarity with all other men and women, their brothers and sisters.